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Jaw Pain and TMJ Disorder

TMJ syndrome, also known as temporomandibular joint disorder, happens when inflammation of the joint connecting your jaw to your skull causes you pain.

Tooth and jaw pain

Common symptoms of TMJ syndrome:

  • Pain while biting
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Clicking sound when opening your mouth
  • Popping sound when closing your mouth
  • Aching or dull pain in your face, ears or jaw
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Neck and shoulder pain

Common causes of TMJ pain:

  • Grinding and clenching your teeth
  • Misalignment of your teeth
  • Jaw thrusting
  • Gum chewing
  • Nail biting
  • Osteoarthritis, a joint disease
  • Lack of overbite

An inflamed TMJ may cause pain while biting, difficulty chewing, a clicking sound when opening your mouth, a popping sound when closing your mouth, aching pain in your face, ears, neck, shoulders or jaw or headaches.

If you suffer from some of these symptoms, Dr. Neil J. Gajjar can help provide relief. By fitting you with a custom-made mouth guard, your teeth will be protected from damage caused by teeth grinding.

Your TMJ can become inflamed for a number of reasons, some of which are beyond your control. Let’s help you to discover a way to end the pain of TMJ inflammation. Call Dr. Neil J. Gajjar’s office today if you have any of these symptoms, you may have an inflamed TMJ that is treatable.

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